Monday, July 22, 2013

A quick update and some news...

Holy crap, I'm stressed. 

i'm totally crying na, i'm fine

You all may have noticed I haven't posted a blog article in a while; I thoroughly apologize. Things have been getting SERIOUS, as in, scoping out locations for the store serious. I've fallen in love with store lots only to have my heart shattered (I'm looking at you, beautiful, spacious Pembroke Pines lot next to Whole Foods) when I find out that they weren't available in the first place, and I've been disillusioned with beautiful spaces after looking at the areas they're housed in. Prices are astronomical; I expected this, yes, but what I didn't expect was the crazy shit some plaza owners have been trying to pull. One owner asked for an entire year's rent upfront before he'd rent me anything. WELL GEE, MR. OVERZEALOUS SHOPPING CENTER NAZI, WHY PAY YOU RENT AT ALL?! 

I just have one thing to say to that: 

For those of you not in the know, I am in the middle of opening a tabletop gaming/comic book store. In all other aspects (except financing, which I'm tackling as well) things are coming along swimmingly; good luck has been abundant. I've been able to find almost everything I'm looking for, and even found a beautiful, brand new, remodeled place today--in the heart of Crapville.

it does not resemble this at all

The interior has been newly painted, the ceiling fixtures also painted and fixed, floors brand new and laminated--and for the area, relatively cheap. But the shopping center? Oy vey. Peeling paint, water stains, cracked cement, no-name stores, a rinky-dink car wash tent and an old gas station. Ugh. According to my Twitter followers, they'd still go regardless of the location if the store is good enough; let's hope that I can make that statement true with the various odds and ends I plan on implementing.

In regards to the infamous "How to talk to geek girls" post, it's halfway complete. I'm having a really, really tough time writing it up--I just feel like I'm overgeneralizing women and honestly, how could I possibly pretend to know/feel what every geeky woman in the world does? I could maybe do a post on what I would like in a man (or how I would best respond to come-ons) if people requested that instead. 

Now excuse me while I go hyperventilate and have several small children in the corner. 

1 comment:

  1. The best comic stores are out of the way places with cheap rents
